But today I returned home to news from my dear friends Brooks and Nina that my little "nephew" Beau (see pics below and on May 29 and April 6) is dangerously sick. This--after they just finished sharing their translation of the Scriptures with the Yembi-Yembis, a Papua New Guinea tribe they've lived with and served for five years now.

Then I just scrolled through my best friend's blog, looking at recent pictures from their home in East Asia, and I was refreshed (as always) by their passion for the lost and love for serving God and His people--no matter what the cost to them personally.

Then I read Philip Ewert's blog, with a poem dedicated to his wife Tera who died two years ago, as well as a gripping plea for people to pray for Africa, where he is now serving. (Did you know that close to 4 million people are starving there?)

And I guess I'm just heartsick over how little I care about what's going on in the world... and how quickly I get wrapped up in Planet Colleen.
We are just passing through, and these days aren't slowing down for our trivial pursuits and selfish worries. Perhaps the cure for today's selfishness and sin is tonight's prayers for another part of the world--that God's good news will reach people we've never met... and that those dear servants faithfully sharing this good news will be refreshed, protected, and blessed beyond their wildest dreams.
And then, Lord, give us the opportunity to boldly and lovingly share this good news with someone in our own little world.